Back in April, I took the youth group to a youth conference in Arkansas. There are a ton of churches from the ABA that go to this awesome conference each year. There is always a mission project of some sort. We pass around buckets and collect money for some worthy cause. This year, the money we were collecting was going to purchase Bibles in the Swahili language. A church in Monticello, AR, has a missionary in East Kenya. During the summer, different groups go over there and do little camps for the people in Kenya. At these camps, they pass out Bibles. We raised enough money to buy over 1,700 Bibles (if I remember correctly).
Now, I have had it on my heart for a long time to go do something in Africa, so of course I had to go talk to these people who collected this money. In the back corner of the convention center, there was an area that had a video going, an African toilet (which was a hole in the ground), a camera where you could get filmed butchering the Swahili version of John 3:16, an example of how they make corn meal, and, most importantly, people who were talking about what was going on in Kenya. After a brief conversation, I left the area with a business card, a flyer, and a new passion for Africa.
I got back home and thought about my summer. It was already packed with a different adventure every week, there was no way that I could go this summer. Maybe next year. I emailed my contact person anyway, just to see what was going on. Maybe I could move some stuff around and find an available week to go...then I remembered that God is God and is in complete control. I don't have to move stuff around. He does that. My contact person told me that there was a 2-week mission trip the last two weeks in June (the same time as my math workshop that I had signed a contract to attend) and he had some spots open if I wanted to go and could come up with the money. *sigh* At that point, I knew that God just wanted me to wait until next year. So I told him that I really wanted to go, but had a workshop and that God's timing is perfect, so no worries.
Insert God's plan.
A couple of days after that email, I got another one that said "Are you ready?????? There's an open spot for the 2-week trip in July!!!" Earlier that month, I had planned to take a 2-week trip to see my friend in Maryland. This wasn't set in stone just yet, but I had already blocked it off so that nothing else got planned for those two weeks. My contact person said that if I wanted the spot, it was mine. I just needed to come up with the money. After talking with my friend about moving my Maryland trip to the fall, I sent in my first payment. AHHHH I was going to Africa!
These last couple of months have been spent trying to figure out how to pay for this trip. I'm a pretty stubborn person and wanted to pay for my trip all by myself (God and I talk frequently about humility). I got the first half down, but it was time for the next payment, and I didn't have it.
Our college and career class at church raised a lot of money a few years ago to go on a mission trip to Romania, but before we planned the trip, the missionaries over there moved back to the states, so the money has been sitting in the bank. They use it for outreach events at the church, helping out those in need, and whatever else God lays on their hearts. They decided to pay for the other half of my trip (just when I needed it!) I love how God works to make things happen.
In less than two weeks, I'll be on a plane, traveling to a new continent, a new country, with a new language (that I've been trying to learn) and a new set of social rules. Please pray for me as I go on this journey to discover what God wants me to do.
Some things only God can do. Let go and let God be your guide through this. Sounds like you are in His plan. I will be praying for you and the group you are going with.
ReplyDeleteLove you girl,
Mrs. Betty