Wednesday, July 9, 2014

4 down…3 to go

The title could be the number of flights since I've left the United States….OR it could be my goal of reaching all 7 continents before I'm 30 years old. Either way… ONLY THREE MORE!

Since my last post I have returned safely from The National Messenger Meeting of the ABA, and I'm a little wiser and have met so many new people! We left the meeting and stopped at one of my favorite places, Lambert's, to eat dinner. I am so glad that God's plan was for me to travel with the Mountain View Crew. We had such a great time fellowshipping. God always knows what He's doing. I drove to Malvern, AR, Friday night where the pastor's family from Kentucky Baptist Church opened up their home for me to stay the night. I woke up quite early Saturday morning and ate breakfast with a good friend before heading down to Natchitoches, LA, to share my mission journey with the Central Louisiana ABA churches at their Mission Rally. I found that I love deputation work. I get to share what God is doing all over the place! We had some good food and good fellowship, and people in Central LA are excited about Kenya! Woot woot! I even got to talk for a little bit to the Ladies Auxiliary. I may or may not have talked longer than I was supposed to. :) I finally got back home Saturday night.

On Sunday I spent my last Sunday before I left with my church family. The sending service was good and quite emotional. Let's just say that I'm loved. :) I'm so blessed to have a wonderful church family that is willing to ship me off to Kenya.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were spent packing. Well, technically Monday night all night and Wednesday were spent packing. On Tuesday, Mary and I drove up to Bogg Springs, AR, to sell our T-shirts at the Louisiana Camp. We had a blast getting to hang out at camp for the day. When we got back, we had our weekly hangout time at my brother's house. For a couple of years now, every Tuesday night I go over to my brother and sister-in-law's house to hang out, watch tv, and eat some food. This was the last one for a long time, and it's something that I am going to miss a whole lot.

Wednesday was spent finishing packing (and unpacking the 100 pound bags) and repacking and getting everything situated for the year. My parents then drove Mary and me to Dallas, and we spent the night before waking up SUPER early for our flight.

Mary had never been out of the country before, so, needless to say, we had so much fun traveling! I'll post a blog when I get to Kenya about our 2 weeks in Romania! I am currently at the airport in Budapest, Hungary, waiting for my flights to Kenya. Please pray for the mission team that is leaving today to head to Kenya as well as the work we will be doing the next two weeks! Let's go #affecteternity!

Thank you all so much for the prayers!! I will tell you all about our time in Romania soon!! (With PLENTY of pictures!)

By the way, if you would like to receive my monthly report in email form, click the link on the right and sign up!

In Christ,

PS: I still have Australia, South America, and Antarctica to go! Who wants to come along? :)

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